
How many beers can I have in 1 night without gettin sick i've never had beer before and im 19 thankx.?

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Im 19 lol and in canada its completely legal so its not underage here =P




  1. it all depends on the person. i don't recommend drinking. you're not 21 and that's the drinking age. be careful. i got drunk at a party once and i didn't stop for 9 years. now i don't drink at all because once i start, i can't stop.

  2. it all depends with your weight and tolerance. ur tolerance is gonna be low because uv never had alcohol. however the heavier u r the more u can drink. go slow. be careful with hard liquor

  3. im 16 and i can drink 12 and not get sick.

    so your 19 so you'll prolly be able to drink more. jus drink them modertly.dont slam them. bc then u'll be drunk after 4 beers.

    and watch the kinda beer you drink.

    miller light doesnt get me sick.

    so good luck.

    make sure you have a bucket or a toilet by you just incase :p

  4. If you have never had beer before.  It will probably be one beer.

  5. Cool I'm from Canada too! After the first couple you'll probably feel something but with out shots or drinking booz more than likely you won't get sick. Just pace yourself and have a good time!

    Don't listen to all those sixteen yr. olds who claim they can drink cases of beer and bottles of vodka. Tolerance isn't made over night! And it's not cool to be able to drink alot!

  6. The first time I drank I had 2 strong mixed drinks and was pretty much the drunkest I've ever been.  It was probably about 3 beers worth in a short period (was 17 years old).

    I've only gotten sick once off of alcohol and it was after like half a bottle of 90 proof rum.  A lot has to do with how fast you drink, too.

    Another thing - the amount you eat, before and during, has a lot to do with how you feel it.  Drinking on an empty stomach is more likely to make you sick, but I've had a lot on a full stomach and not really felt much.

  7. different people have different tolerations to different things .So the only way to know is start out slow but good advice would be make sure wherever you live the drinking age is legal ,It usually 21

  8. I wouldn't overdo it. Drinking for the sake of getting drunk isn't my idea of a good time.

    Since you're new to drinking, I'd go at the rate of a beer per hour, with a glass of water between each. Keeps you full and less wasted, and you won't get dehydrated, as alcohol will do.

    I'd also recommend that you eat something, preferably starchy, to soak up whatever you drink.

  9. Depends on your weight. For your first night of heavy drinking, you won't be able to handle as much as someone who has drank for a while.

    Just take it easy for the first time. If you're under social pressure to drink a lot, just switch to water in a red cup at some point and no one will notice.

  10. it just depends how much you can handle

    im 16 and i have never spewed and i drink a bottle of vodka at partys i just got a stomach of steel unlike my mate who has 3 beers and hes outside spewing

    just start with having a few beers a night and just build up it takes about 20 beers for me to get pissed but at my first party it took 3 lol

  11. You shouldn't have any... your underage.

  12. Drink One Beer In A 15 minute time frame then  continue  that until you have had 8 beers (2 hours). Then Drink 1 Beer In A 10 minute time frame for 1 Hour (6 beers). Then Drink at Your own pace

  13. I think the most beers I've had in one night was about 18 and I didn't get sick.  This was when I was about 23 or 24 though.  I started drinking at age 14 and used to get sick almost every time up until I was about 19.  It takes awhile for your body to get used to it, but it differs with everyone on how much you can drink without getting sick.

  14. Three.

  15. since its your first time drinking then you haven't built up a tolerance yet. A lot of it depends on how quickly you drink,the faster you drink the drunker you'll get, if you drink 6 beers within 1 1/2 hours then you'll be pretty drunk, but if you spread them out over say 4-5 hours than you'll get a small buzz. people that drink regularly look at a six pack as an appetizer and can drink 6 beers and barley get a buzz. Its your first time just remember to take it slow, and a little trick to make the hangover not so bad is after each time you drink 2 beers have a glass of water, even if you chug the water so you can get back to the beer it helps keep you hydrated and the hangover won't be as bad. CHEERS!

  16. im a year younger then you and i have had 17 a couple times

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