
How many beers in a six-pack?

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How many beers in a six-pack?




  1. Six.

    What color is the White House?

  2. if you dont know or cant figure that out you truly are a dweeb!!

  3. One, but it's been broken down to handle easier

  4. I need more information. What is beer? What is six-pack?

  5. Send it to me and I'll count them for you!

  6. Well is this a 6 pack when you first buy it? because then there would be 6 but give it a hour or so and then there probably would be 4. Another 20 minutes there would be 0.

  7. eight..

    they are pretty tricky, huh?

  8. Depends how many you drank :]  

  9. 6. moron.

  10. 6

  11. six beers are in a six pack unless you subtract x, so then it would be 6-x=y

  12. 8?

  13. whats the point of this, arent we all gonna die someday???

  14. I only buy METRIC six packs which consist of 6 beers up here in Canada.  I'm not sure of the exchange rate, but 6 is my guess.

  15. If u dont kno u shouldn't b drinking

  16. 3, 5, or 7, depending on which state you live in. Did you know that people actually prefer to buy beer in odd number of cans or bottles?

  17. Are you retarded?

  18. none when Im done with it.

  19. duh...six. same as 12-pack would be 12, 24 pack would be 24.

    Unless of course, someone else has already drank them up before you got a chance of drinking any.

  20. Think VERY carefully, you'll get it.

  21. One too many if i have to work in the morning.

  22. Depends on the size of the glass your pouring into.

  23. 6 in yours none in mine

  24. 8.5

  25. banana

  26. 6,DuH!!!! XD

  27. The same number as a 24-pack.

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