
How many betta fish can be kept together?

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I was thinking about getting some betta fish...I have 2 fantail goldfish now...are bettas any different to care for than goldfish?




  1. Oh! i made the same mistake h/o

  2. you probably shouldn't put betta fish with goldfish. if you do get some betta fish put it in a different tank and with a divider in the tank or else they will fight

  3. you cant have

    more than 1 male

    1 male and 1 female

    you can have

    as many females as you want

    in terms of care

    allow 3 gallons per fish

    they are different to goldfish because they are tropical fish (need a heater) and they need betta food as they are carnivores

    don't keep  them with godfish as they are not compatible

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    some people realy dont know what there talking about

    females should be fine together (just keep 1 or more than 2)

    males can be kept with most small fish like danios and tetras

  4. no!!!!!!get 1 betta and get and a tank.put them in the tank and they will scrap till death.

  5. I have two Betta's in separate bowls.Living happy.

    Also goldfish can't go with betta's.And betta's can't go

    with other betta's.

  6. yes they cant be together with there kind or other fish

  7. Bettas cannot be housed together.  Just one.  The males especially will fight to the death.

    They have different food for bettas but they are just little tiny pellets.

  8. I don't know about putting Betta's in with other fish.

    But I do know you should only put one betta..

    Due to the fact Betta's are fighting fish and if you put especially males they will fight to each others death.

  9. Betta fish are well known for their feisty attitudes... and when I mean feisty, I mean fight-to-the-death ambitions!  Their territory is their entire bowl or tank.  Any betta within swimming distance is an enemy, and they will both attack each other 'til the death.

    Because you have fantail goldfish, you cannot keep a betta with them unfortunately, unless you want your goldfish to be constantly harassed by the betta and eventually die from the stress.  Your betta will see the goldfish's lovely fins and immediately be offended.  They have to be the prettiest in the tank, you see.  =)

    If you want a betta, purchase one and keep it in its own container.  They are beautiful fish, so don't let their princess-personalities keep you from buying one!

  10. Male betta's cannot live together in captivity. And female's can if in the right conditions, but its better if they don't.

    Betta's are easier to care for than goldfish. They can survive in a smaller tanks (not that a smaller one is better, because it isn't) and can breathe our air. Unlike goldfish they're warm water fish, and should be kept at 76-82 degrees. They prefer (and usually can't handle) strong current filters. Their tails will get sucked up into the filter -- if its too strong - and they won't be able to pull themselves out and away from it. So go with a smooth, calm, filter. Like a whisper internal filter, or a sponge filter.

  11. Male bettas will live peacefuly with certain types of fish. But it's still risky. Other wise, they should be kept ALONE! They will nip, bite, and harass their other tank mates. They turn other peaceful and humble fish into enemies. I had some neon tetras and put my male betta in the same tank and it started chasing them right away and I had to put him in his own tank. Two male bettas will fight til the DEATH. Extrmely territorial. Don't let this stop you from having one though ( as long as you keep it alone- they're happier that way, why else would they try to kill helpless little fish and their own spwecies?). They're very easy to take care of.

    On the other hand, the female bettas are less violent. Keep three or more together though. If there's only two, they'll also fight and try to dominate on another. They are smaller and sell them in certain PETCOs. In some Petsmarts they keep up to 20 of them in large tanks.


    They're so very much different, bettas can not be kept with other fish, let alone of their own species.  They will fight and get their fins damaged and/or die.  Even if you see a betta in a tank at Wal-Mart with other fish, does it look happy?  NO.  It's shriveled up in the corner and near death because stress  has its immune system down to zero.  Bettas are only happy if kept alone.  It doesn't matter if they're girls or boys.  The only exception is if you spawned two bettas (don't even attempt lol it's much harder than guppies) and the siblings would be able to live together for a while.  So put your betta in a nice little tank all to himself and he will be a happy fishy. Good luck. =]

  13. ya... bettas will kill each other.. just buy one.. I have a beta and it lasted 5 years for me

  14. bettas need to be kept alone. they will kill eachother if u have two in one tank also will kill the other fish if not compatible...i would do more research.

  15. I had to beta's and they fight, so we had to get a divider. but the kept getting under it and one tour some of the others skin off!

    I suggest you get to small bowls for each beta or a good divider.

  16. they are much easier to take care of but dont put them together becuz they will fight and one will end up dead

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