
How many bicycles do you own?

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Brands, Model, and uses.




  1. None..

    and considering i don't drive i could really use one.

  2. i have a BIKE Honda CBR 400

  3. None...I haven't owned one in 20 years! I get my exercise by walking my dogs...

  4. none:(

  5. 0 :) no where to put one and wouldn't hardly use it if I did.

  6. None :(

  7. None I drive a car.

  8. 5

    30 mins, around the park


  9. 3

  10. 0, but I have been looking to buy one

  11. 0.

  12. Schwin. Riding all my life. Ride to work.  

  13. 0

  14. I own 2, one I got from wal-mart and its pretty much a pile of metal now, and I also have a Covert (brand) Ghost Recon (model)  which I keep up pretty well almost 2 years riding, new tires, grips, bearings and upgraded to better brakes (throughout the years), and I use it in a lot of different terrain. best bike yet.

  15. I personally have one bike I prefer to use, but in my household we have 5 available for sharing between us. I don't know the models or brands of the bikes since we've been given them by neighbors and stuff and they're a bit older, but I prefer using mountain bikes. Though, I've heard great things about the road bikes.

    I do mini triathlons which involve 10 km of biking, so I  tend to ride 5-6 times a week for about 30-40 minutes. I also bike to work daily during the summertime which is a fantastic workout.

    The other way I'd go biking is instead of timing myself I go to and map a route so I can practice a certain distance. Its a nice way to track your training!

  16. 2 BMX ♥

  17. I had a sweet GT Chisang Mountain Bike with full XTR. It was a titanium frame I had Mavic wheels a chris king headset, and beefy Haro BMX pedals!!!!  I miss my bike!!!! d**n you had to remind me!

  18. agh 0

    but i really wish i had one, i could use some exercise after school... sitting on a chair for an hour and a half each class is really...... crampy

  19. 1

  20. 1- and unless my mom gives me a ride, i bike all over town, to the pool, to friends houses, to noodles and company, work, pretty much everywhere within 15 miles- crossing highways not included= SCARY SHIIIIT.

    i have my moms old bike, and i don know what brand or model it is sadly :( its just one color and it has huge wheels and far apart handlebars. but its fun cause it goes extremely fast compared to my old bike!

  21. 2

  22. 1. It is a Haro. I use it to get around places like go to my friends house

  23. 2.



    I don't use them very often.

    I usually ride for a while with them and I ride around my neighborhood.

  24. 3


    modles brands ect i rip of any stickers that say:)

    try a sports store.

  25. One bike, don't remember brand off the type of my head, only ride occasionally.

  26. 1

    30 minutes a day across the Nepean highway, It's a great place for cycling.

  27. i own none now , it was stolen, I had a 1982 sears green beret, i had been riding everyday since i got it .I road anywhere from 4 to  6 miles a day. taken 4 mo. ago

  28. 2 the first one is a Haro

       the second is a Mongoose  

  29. 2 but ones broke it because i rode it down a mountain biking place

  30. from 2 and everyday to the markett school friends it is basically my car.

    Unlimeted free gas miles

  31. 6 bicycles

    Sun recumbent

    Shogun touring

    Concord mountain

    a 1942 Columbia Victory Tourestour  (Only legally manufactured bicycle under the war powers act of WW2)

    Vintage 1960's Huffy (American made)

    20" Roll Fast 1960's

    I have a couple more vintage bikes in storage but not ridable

    Sold my 63 Schwinn Jaguar, 68 Schwinn Apple Krate and my 1951 Schwinn 20" cruser frame and parts.

    Been riding for decades and all over the foot hills of the Adirondacks.   Minimum ride is 10 miles a day.

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