
How many bit strings of length n contain k ones in a row?

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The difference is that I require the equal tosses to be in a row and don't care about the rest, as in THHTHHHH.

Clarification: each considered string must contain at least one substring of ones at least k digits long.




  1. Let A(k-1,n) be the set of length n strings whose longest run of 1′s has, at most, length k-1. Then A(k-1,n) splits as:




    Where 1^(i)0 denotes the sequence of i 1′s followed by a 0 and 1^(i)0A(k-1,n) the set of sequences obtained by concatenating the prefix 1^(i)0 with the any member of the set A(k-1,n-i); then, as the above splitting is disjoint, if we define   a(k-1,n-i) = |A(k-1,n-i)|, then:


    Which gives the recurrence:

    a(k-1,j) = 2^j,  0 ≤ j ≤ k-1

    a(k-1,n+k) = ∑{i=1,k}a(k-1,n+k-i),  n ≥ 0

    And the number of sequences with at least one substring of  1's with length ≥ k is given by 2^n − a(k-1,n).

    I don't know any closed form solutions for this recurrence, especially if we don't particularize k, but it's generating function is:

    (1/(1-2x)) − A(k-1,x)

    Where A(k-1,x) is the generating function of the sequence       a(k-1,n), and this is then given by:

    (A(k-1,x) −

                      Ã¢ÂˆÂ’ ∑[n=0,k-1](2x)^n)x^(-k) =

    = ∑[i=1,k]{A(k-1,x) − ∑[n=0,k-i-1](2x)^n}x^(i-k)


    A(k-1,x) − ∑[n=0,k-1](2x)^n =

    = ∑[i=1,k](A(k-1,x) −


                                      Ã¢ÂˆÂ’ ∑[n=0,k-i-1](2x)^n)x^i ⇔

    ⇔ A(k-1,x) − ∑[i=1,k]A(k-1,x)x^i =

         =∑[n=0,k-1](2x)^n − ∑[i=1,k]x^i∑[n=0,k-i-1](2x)^n ⇔

    ⇔ A(k-1,x)(1-∑[i=1,k]x^i) =


        =(2x)^k − 1)/(2x-1) −

            Ã¢ÂˆÂ’ (1 / 2x − 1)∑[i=1,k]x^i((2x)^(k-i)-1) ⇔

    ⇔ A(k-1,x) =

    = (2x^(k+1)-x^k-2x+1) divided by





      =(x^k)(x-1) divided by


    For example, taking k=1 (sequences that contain at least a 1) and expanding the above in powers of x, we have:

    (x/(2x-1))((x-1)/(x²-2x+1)) =

    = x+3x^2+7x^3+15x^4+



      + 255x^8+511x^9+O(x^10)

        And notice that the coefficient of the x^n term is 2^n − 1, as it should be.

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