
How many black women eat cornbread standing up?

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@ waky_wondergirl

I like sarcasm it proves a persons intellect..(see I can play too)

This is a common saying amoung the older black southern community. its a humorous way to explain a woman with a lare butt....its often "she must eat corn bread(or greens) standing up" is describes how the weight fell past the somach and right to the butt....




  1. no i don't eat corn bread standing up (unless there's nothing to sit on, then i eat anything standing up)

    i think my grandma usually makes it without the corn

    my mom can't make it at all :)

    shina i know where you got that from, Life is one my favorite movies :P

    jangalang jangalang (bernie mac had me rollin)

    EDIT: lol @ asker,

  2. "You gonn eat yo co'n breaad?! How 'bout I eat YO co'n bread?"

    Sorry. Black movie moment.

    Uhhh, when I used to eat it, my mom made it without the corn mixed in.

    Then I learned about cholesterol.

  3. i hate cornbread........standing up, sitting down, or sleeping.

  4. I do not eat cornbread normally.

  5. i <3 corn good ^.^

    depends on where i am...sometimes i sit,sometimes il


  6. your mother does.

  7. I don't eat cornbread or any unhealthy food.

  8. I LOVE cornbread! Goodness... now why did you even have to go and mention such a thing? Do you know how hard it is to get a peice of cornbread in the summer!?!

    Anyway, no I tend to be sitting down when I eat cornbread!

    And I DEFINITELY like it with the real corn and without so! It really doesn't matter. I'm like you... touch my cornbread and face dire consequences...

    *goes to search cabinet to a box of Jiff*

  9. i don't even eat cornbread....its not that good .. i don't even remember the last time i had it  

  10. What? lolz

  11. Wow, sociological discussion at a barber shop....the deep end of the pool couldn't possibly be any deeper....*rolling eyes and laughing*

  12. I eat the jiffy cornbread. Its really not healthy, its full of carbs and starches. I eat them when Im having a "fat day" though lol. Oh and I eat my food sitting down at a table, why would I stand up lol

    Do you think eating cornbread standing up makes your butt bigger?

  13. My mom does

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