
How many blocked users do you have?

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How many blocked users do you have?




  1. 11. I block creepy guys if I'm their only contact.  

  2. i block every jb luver user i see, do the math

  3. none

  4. 0 - I don't block users.

  5. none....yet : )

  6. 2

    Fizzdude and Nick

  7. none.  I did have one but I figured the reason I blocked her was pretty stupid and so I unblocked her yesterday.

  8. none for now


  9. 10

  10. Only one, and I can't even remember why I blocked her.

  11. 0 whats the point

  12. Zero.

  13. None, since we are all a persons who are son's and daughter's of God!

    The God whose son is the Jesus Christ!

    God Bless You

  14. Once in a blue moon I had blocked users but now none.

  15. 6

  16. 5

  17. Currently none.

  18. None...

  19. like 5

  20. just one, she thought it was funny to abuse animals

  21. none.., i never block or report people.. i find people that do that as annoying..

  22. Grr about 20 but most of the accounts are deleted by now.

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