
How many blocks are in a mile??? and how long would it take to go two miles by bike???

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How many blocks are in a mile??? and how long would it take to go two miles by bike???




  1. there is about 6 blocks in a mile.

    and it would take about 8 minutes by an average person

    hope this anwsers your question


  2. I don't mean to patronize you, but the answer to your first question depends on the length of a block.  There is no standard block length.  Some American cities were laid out in grids with 12 blocks to the mile, but there are too many exceptions to that to list here.

    Averaging 15 mile per hour, which is the pace of most moderate recreational cyclists, it will take you 8 minutes to go two miles.  If you are a rank beginner or carrying a lot of weight then figure 10 minutes for this distance.

    I hope this helps.

  3. Depends on where you are.  Its 8 blocks to the mile in Chicago.   I'm pretty sure Milwaukee is 12.

    As for time to travel 2 miles, the most accurate way to figure is go out and do it yourself.

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