
How many blue whales are there in existence ? are they going extinct ?

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dude i want to see one where can i find them? how many are there? and are they endangered?




  1. Actually, It is estimated that there are about 10,000-14,000 blue whales world-wide. Blue whales are an endangered species. They have been protected worldwide by international law, since 1967. The blue whale was listed as endangered throughout its range on June 2, 1970 under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Conservation Act of 1969. They are not to be hunted by anyone for any reason at all. Suggestions are that some populations may never recover. Furthermore, Whales were in a small area south of Madagascar alone, thus it is likely that numbers in the entire Indian Ocean are in the thousands. If this is true, the global numbers would be much higher than estimates predict.

  2. I go to see them every summer off the coast of Santa Barbara, California.

    There are several hundred who show up to feed on upwellings of krill and sometimes sardines or anchovies that are present around the Channel Islands.

    Check out Condor Express for tours. (I've also seen whales off of Ventura in the summer via Island Packers, but the boat is much smaller.)

    There's a project called Tagging of Pacific Pelagics (TOPP) and they have several Blue Whales tagged. You can see their activity here:

    (Just pick Blue Whale from the left navigation.)

    You can see that the tagged ones range all over from Central America to Alaska.

    They are endangered and it's not even known if their numbers are increasing or decreasing.

  3. It is estimated that of the more than 5,000 that inhabited the North Pacific, only 1,200 to 1,700 are left. Only a few hundred are thought to survive in the North Atlantic, and of the 20,000 in the southern hemisphere in the 19th Century, about 9,000 remain (half of which are pygmy blue whales).

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