
How many bluebird houses should i have per square 500 feet?

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For my Eagle Scout project I am building birdhouses for the eastern blubird (ny's state bird). I would like to know how many houses I am going to need to cover a park. The park is quite large so i just need to know how man y per 500 feet or any amount is fine.





  1. Hello farmer:

    I'm not an expert, but I would think that 2 per acre is a good number. An acre is just slightly smaller than a football field (without the goal areas). If you are placing them in a dense forested area, you might go up to 4 per acre, but the birds need some separation for resources.

    Keep on Scoutin'

  2. make sure the bird houses are at the forest edge of the park Blue birds are a field bird and will not nest in a forest area placing the houses is most important also not to high.Our Scouting group in Ontario set the houses on fence posts along hayfield areas one every 200 ft or so ,so you should be okay with your placement,hope squirrels and starlings don't take over the houses Good Luck.I am aTroop and Company Leader with Scouts Canada

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