
How many born british still in the united kingdom , AND?

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  1. God d**n it some people annoy me..For those who have absolutely NO understanding on world economics you need to start embracing reality, the reality is that 'globalisation' is at play.

    We NEED in our country, as many religions, as many businesses, as many ethnic minorities, as much diversity as we can possibly get to survive in competing on the world stage over the next 100-200 years.

    For people who say "Just british only please, no immigrants"...Trust me, you people need to pack your bags and row off into the sea because your just ridiculously naive and stupid.

    I am as PROUD as any Brit, and my ancestors trace back to 1045 (BEFORE ENGLAND WAS ENGLAND!) I even believe our empire did more good then bad. We spent a vast majority of our time spreading our influence across the world, even forcing it at people in ways that would make Bin Laden look like a cute little furry kitten. The way Britain has survived all this time, is through evolution. Evolution is done via the "Know how the rest of the world works". Right now we are evolving our economy, just as Liverpool are trying to evolve there squad to become title challengers, into a dominant force. We need depth, we need skills, we need multiple industries, we need reserves (Federal reserve for instance!)...

    I am bloody proud to say our country isn't full of thick idiots, and that our government are WELL aware of what's needed for us to remain as one of the top economies in the world.

    This DOESN'T mean you can't be proud to be british, it doesn't mean we are loosing our identity as a nation. It simply means Britain doesn't equal "God save the queen, crumpets and tea, Hallo old chap!" garbage..It means Britain is the diverse nation, proud and different to obtain 100's of different cultures and religions and ethnicities, and all in one stand together on the world stage and shout "oi, humans!!! Are you living in the medi-evil ages!! Get a grip, or you won't survive!!"

    I'm sorry, but the MAJORITY are ALWAYS DUMB!! Remember that, the MAJORITY are ALWAYS DUMB.

  2. 59.8 million lives in the UK

    In 2001, 4.9 million (8.3 per cent) of the total population of the UK were born overseas. This is more than double the 2.1 million (4.2 per cent) in 1951.

    Edit- I am non-Brit yet I think I speak very clear and concise English, seeing how I am from the US.  We CHOSE to live in England for a very simple reason.  Family.  My husbands family to be exact.  I am glad we chose here or my husband would have missed the last few months with his dad.  As for flying back, I have family in Florida, like mom, dad, nephew and sister.  I am here in the UK legally.  I passed the Life in the UK test by 100 percent.  I bet if YOU took the test you would not pass, even if you are British.  I am not here for government handouts.  I am not here to take jobs away or housing.  I am here purely because this is where my husband is from, and his parents and grandchildren are here.  What is wrong with that?

  3. not a lot

  4. too f*cking many non brits

  5. I am, but wanna bail asap... And ppl probably fly home to see family friends etc.

  6. Well I'm still here though half my family have shipped out for pastures new. Truth is if I could afford to I would probably join the thousands that leave these shores every day.

    I do not know the figures you are asking for, what I do believe is that my country cannot sustain the numbers coming here.

  7. you can soon point them out. they are the ones who are pissed and shat on. and have no rights in their own country. couldn't care less about the non Brits.

  8. I'm quarter-Spanish, quarter-Irish and half-English and I've lived in England for ten years of my life (I'm fourteen years old now.)

  9. We are a mongrel nation or the English are anyway and have absorbed other races into the mainstream of this country in the past and will do so in future. This has not always happened without some tension between both the "native" population and the immigrants.  What many feel now and are concerned about is the complete cultural differences between the majority of the present  immigrants and the previous ones, most of who came from a JewishjChristian background and were absorbed because they wished to be so. Many of the present immigrants wish

    to not to be absorbed and actually wish to impose a different legal system to the one we know conveniently forgetting that this is what they bought into. The snide cracks about drunkenness are irrelevant and do not reflectthe behaviour of the majority of the population    

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