
How many bottles a does your 9 month old take, and how many oz is in them? Also how many jars of baby food?

by  |  earlier

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My Daughter has hit the 9 month mark. She has NEVER been a fussy eater until...NOW! She used to take her bottles, NO problem...She used to eat a whole jar of baby food without being persuaded....Now, I dread meal time! Simply because she will not take a bottle entirely, and making her eat just 1 jar of baby food is a task! IS THIS NORMAL???? What are some ways to get her back to liking food, and milk!?




  1. Emma eats mostly table or mashed food three times a day and sometimes a snack....she drinks two bottles a day.  Maybe she is bored with what you are feeding her.

  2. give her juice and stuff try a sippy cup and give her table foods

    LET HER FEED HERSELF try those little entrays and let her just go at it or something like that

  3. Well it sounds normal, same as my 8 1/2 month old. He has 3 meals a day usually mashed up veg with chicken or fish. Maybe around 20 oz of milk. Literally nearly every single meal is a chore to get him to eat a decent amount. It just seems like he doesn't really like his food - sweet or savoury. The only thing you can do is keep trying and just take as long as you need to try and get a good amount in to your baby.

  4. My 9 month old eats about 5 times a day. When he wakes up, we feed him about 4oz. of Rice cereal mixed with a little bit of fruit baby food.  We give him a 4oz. bottle after, but he usually doesn't drink all of it. Then sometime between breakfast and lunch we give him some finger foods to snack on that he feeds to himself (usually around 15-20 small peices of whatever he's eating). Around lunch time we feed him a stage 2 vegetable (i forget how many oz. are in stage 2 foods) and then a 4oz. bottle (again, he doesn't drink it all.). between lunch and dinner he will take a little bit more finger food. Dinner time he gets hungry again, we feed him a stage 2 fruit and 4oz. bottle. Then by the time bedtime rolls around we give him about 2oz. of water in a bottle. our doctor told us to give him a little water before bed... not much though.

  5. Not sure about the bottle issue, but for solids, have you tried table foods?  Many babies by this age, just don't want to be spoon fed anymore.  

    Try offering some soft table/finger foods and letting her do it herself.  (Don't worry about teeth. She doesn't need them.)

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