
How many bottles can you make?

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With a 1080g can of powdered formula???




  1. It should say on the can somewhere the average amount of bottles that it can make.  Generally they break it up into 4oz bottles, so double check right on there.

  2. depends on how big of bottle you are making.  How many ounces?

    About 62 bottles.  Although its going to vary a little bit... depending on your scopes.... you won't be able to get them extact.

    I checked my can...... and it said four ounces was 17.2 grams.... so I divided up 1080g by 17.2 grams..... .... which came to 62.   I happen two have two different types of formula right now.... and they both said the same gram amount...... all formulas are about the same..... so this would apply to all different formulas.    If you are comparing powedered to ready made... or the liquid.... the powder formula is way cheaper.  I have already down the math on that one.  I honestly think powdered is easy.  I just use tap water now.... so all I have to do is pure water in then add the scoops.  The liquid needs to be prepared.... and then you need something to store it in.... and then you need to reheat it..... and your really not suppose to heat the bottles because of chemicals leeching out.... so the liquid always seemed like a bigger mess to me.  My son does great on powder.

  3. How many grams are in 1 scoop?

    Work out how many scoops are in the tin, Then how many 4's go in to that number.  

  4. I have a can that is 336g and i can get usually about 8 to 10 bottles of off it  but that is 8 oz bottles though so i would say any where from 10 to 20 bottles.  to find out for sure though when you make bottles just keep  track of how many you make by make a tally mark on the lid for every bottle you fix.  

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