
How many bottles do you make in one go?

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I make 6 bottles at once and put them in the fridge and use them within 24 hours.

What do you do?




  1. I made the bottles as I went and used room temperature bottled water to make the bottle( I used the powder formula). This way I did not have to warm the bottle up. I tried putting them in the fridge but found it was easier to do it my way, but everyone is different.

  2. I do one at a time because I hate to have to reheat bottles especially when they wakeup screaming.  When i was pumping breastmilk though of course I would have to reheat but I tried to nurse more than pump.  With formula bottles though I just fill up a few bottles with water and leave them room temp so i can just add the powder to them when i needed.  

  3. for the first 3 months of my twins lives i used to make 16 bottles before i went to bed and put them in the fridge, that would usually do them for the next 24 hours since they were feeding every 2 to 3 hours. it was like a factory in my kitchen late at night. now that they are sleeping the night i only need to make up 10-12. they are hungry little boys.

  4. I do exactly the same thing. To me, heating up water in the microwave and sticking a bottle in it for a few minutes takes the same amount of time as measuring powder and water and shaking it all up. Also, I can't make a fresh bottle while holding a baby (who can open a bottle one-handed??), but I can heat water and stick a bottle in it one-handed. I find it easier to do it that way.

  5. I make 6 bottles too, and also use within 24 hours. That way I only have to do it once a day.

  6. One at a time. I don't like to reheat bottles, especially when they are screaming for it!

  7. I make one at a time but Im a stay at home mom with nothing better to do so I don't mind :-)

  8. i make 24 oz in one shot in a dr.browns mixing pitcher..i pour 3 bottles and leave the rest for later..he drinks all of it in about 16 hours

  9. I make one bottle at a time unless we are going out then I make as much as the journey time we are out

  10. I just made a big jug and put it in the fridge

  11. When she was solely on formula i used to make about 6 the night before and use them the day after. I did this with my first baby and she never had a problem so when i had my 2nd and the guidelines had changed to 'make a bottle up as and when you need it', i have to say i ignored it. It is far to difficult to make them up as you need them, especially when she is hungry!  

  12. Because of my concern the microwave zaps nutrients, we bought a warmer. Stick a sterlised bottle with cooled boiled water in it and then when the hunger cry comes, we just add scoups of formula and shake.

    This may require another question but for all formula feeding parents do we put bubs on a schedule or is like demand feeding such as breastfeeding?

  13. You are no longer supposed to do this because of risk of infection. What I did with my daughter was boil the water and cool it and have a milk powder container with the powder pre-measured so i could chuch that it and heat the milk when required. (saves getting shouted at by the milk police!)

  14. i used to make 6 aswell...i hated that job,so get it out the way...though these days they say you supposed to make em as u go...sod that..

  15. sometimes i will make one at a time if i dont feel like makeing all of them but if i am going to be busy for the day i make three.  

  16. I did the same thing.  I used the microwave to warm them up, I know that you aren't supposed to, but with twins I had to.  

  17. That's what we did for my son 4 years ago but now I was told not to do that and if i was to make any up in advance, only to make one and use it within 4 hours. So what I do is boil water and wait for it to cool and put the required amount in six bottles. They then stand in the kitchen at room temperature until my baby needs feeding. I then add the formula powder and give it to my baby at room temperature. That way it is always fresh and never needs warming.  

  18. same

  19. i make all the bottles for that day but don't add the milk just the cooled boiled water, that way i can just add it when i need it.

    Also it helped that she didn't mind the bottles at room temp  

  20. sometimes i make up 5 bottles at a time, enough for the day, then put them in the fridge. Other days i fill the bottles up with boiled water, i make 8 oz bottles so i fill it with 6 oz of boiled water and as i need them i add 2 oz of boiled water and the formula, just depends how i feel that day lol

  21. I make 3 when I wake up in the morning and 3 before I go to bed at night and I make sure that I never use a bottle that has sat in the fridge for more than 12 hours. Current guidelines in the UK say that you are not supposed to make up ANY bottles in advance - instead boil the water and fill the bottles ahead of time and then add the formula at each feed. I think it all depends on how your day pans out and whether you have the time to prepare the bottle at each feed.

  22. breast feed no bottles premade. Frozen milk taken out form freezer when needed

  23. i put water into bottles in the morning, then add powder when needed.  
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