
How many bowls of Pho have you ever eaten in one day?

by  |  earlier

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Boy do I remember the first time I tried pho. 1 small bowl for breakfast (friend made it), two bowls for lunch and two bowls for dinner. A total of 5




  1. 3 or 4

    Pho is WONDERFUL stuff.

    loaded with all sorts of herbs and hot peppers and chili oil.  Oh man, I'm getting hungry.....

  2. Oh my god, 3 times, and they were all the best meals I have ever had! :)

  3. Really....what's Pho?

  4. 2 BIG bowls. I ordered some at the Vietnamese restaurant and i ate mine and my friends because she didn't finish hers.

  5. I Love PHO!  I am lucky to live near Chamblee, GA.  I have about 30 pho restaurants to pick from but my favorite is Dai Loi #2.

    Awesome.  I have eaten 2 or 3 extra large bowls at a time.  Yummy!

  6. 1.....;p I'm more into vermicelli :D. Floridian, pho is a dish served in vietnamese restaurants that consists of a soup with noodles, bean sprouts, and such in it.

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