
How many bud lights does it take to feel pretty d**n good?

by Guest55763  |  earlier

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on my scale...

2 = hardly feel anything at all.

3 = barley getting to a buzz

4 = buzz

5 = ok im getting there..

6 = wow i feel the effects of alcohol

7 = kinda drunk?

8 = drunk




  1. what are the time constrains?

    you put 8 beers in a beer bong i garauntee you aren't getting back up off your knees

    usually takes about 6 the first hour and 2-3 each after that..

  2. Your scale sounds about the same as mine, although I find that once I hit a certain point I can keep drinking them and not get much worse off (at least with beer).

    At least no one can accuse us of being lightweights. ;)



    Jenna, you're certainly entitled to your opinion, but I wonder why you even bother to answer a question in this category if you're so against drinking? :)

  3. don't get wasted like 100% drink to with friends and have a good time but don't go overboard 99.9% of the people that get wasted end up making a huge a$$ out of themselves. my friend is remembered as "dude who shitted and puked on a girl". that sucks.

  4. zero drinking is bad for you

  5. You've got to drink at least 6 to forget you're drinking a crappy tasting beer brand.

  6. first bud light is kind of sissy. why dont you just drink budwieser? but anyways it usually takes about 6 to 8

  7. 5

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