
How many buildings were attacked on september eleventh 2001?

by  |  earlier

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I still don't get how a little fire could bring down building seven symetrically, and i'm not aware of a planned demolition so i assume someone put bombs in there. I never heard much about 7 on the news either. within the first thirty minutes of the attacks the media had concluded what was put in the "official" investigation. If the government really wanted people to find out who planned the attacks they would encourage any private or public investigation, perhaps even assist. Yet against the law they didn't even test for thermite. WHY NOT IF THERES NONE TO FIND??? Michael Reagan on his Tuesday June 10th show, during the 2nd hour, called for the murder of political activist Mark Dice and wants to pay for the bullets. you tell me who the evil ones are: the ones looking for the truth or the ones that want to shoot them?




  1. 4 bulidings were targeted...3 got hit by the hijacked aircraft.

    both main towers of the world trade center and the Pentagon were hit.

    How the twin towers caused the colapse of the others???? Beats me!

  2. Why do people who call themselves "truthseekers" distort facts to fit their beliefs?  You don't want the truth, you want your version of what happened wrapped up for you in a pretty little bow.

  3. The Goverment Hides so much that the World may never know!!!

  4. THere are  unsloved questions out there.  2 buildings were attacked, yet 3 came down.  All three came down not as if some part of the structure gave way, but only as a controlled demolition coudl accomplish.  Many steel beams had been sectioned into floor sized lengths with ends burned as only thermo;ite could accomplish.

    I'm not saying the government did it.  I'm not saying Israel did it.  I'm not saying that the planes were drones filled with explosives and thermolite though those and other scenarios are remotely possible.

    I am saying that there are unanswered questions as to how those building cam down.

  5. there were 2 buldings atacked on september 11th 2001 they were called the twin towers hope this helped bye !?!?!? ;)

  6. 3

    As a rule of thumb, if the government wants you to know it, it probably isn't true.

    ~Craig Murray

    There are a lot of people who lie and get away with it, and that's just a fact.

    ~Donald Rumsfeld

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