
How many bums would you fight for a fish sandwich ?

by  |  earlier

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At least one of said bums has rabies but no teeth to bite you with.

PS. This isn't harming other users because bums are too poor for the internet, and fish sandwiches




  1. i would probably beat up a few of them for starbucks new chocolate banana smoothie. they are that good.

  2. Excuse me? We don't appreciate being called bums.

    I would fight 12. I'd run them all over with my shopping cart.

  3. My friend Drew says none, because "I'm cool like that".

    Me: *rolls eyes*

    I'd say... about seventeen. Even though I don't like fish sandwiches, I'd still fight bums with rabies for one. But I'd video tape it to put on youTube.

  4. I do not like fish

  5. haha, I would just let him/her have it.  I dont like fish sandwiches.  Besides, I heard bums fight dirty.

  6. If i were hungover enough i would fight many bums without teeth. Then i would fry the fish sandwhich.  

  7. 2

    Only if it's from LJS (Long John Silver's)

  8. i would throw a bottle top which would stun them as they think it was a coin and while they are not looking i would snatch that holy grail of a sandwich!  

  9. if there was a fish sandwich and a bunch of bums, they all would go for the sandwich as long as they werent allergic to fish

  10. I don't like fish so I wouldn't fight a bum for a fish sandwich. But I would enjoy watching someone else fight with a bum for a fish sandwich. =)

  11. Make it some caffeine, and i will shank him.

  12. 0.  I don't like fish sandwiches & I don't like to fight.

  13. lol....NONE..

  14. i don't eat fish

  15. none fish sandwiches are nasty

  16. I would throw a bottle of grog at them and snatch the sammich up good and proper.

  17. Well if I was a bum I would fight as many as I need because I would be starving.But me right now(not a Bum) I would fight two if I really wanted it.

  18. I have rabies+ teeth. So bring it on.  

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