
How many calories am I burning biking?

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I ride to work everyday about 10.5 miles for both ways in about an hour and 40 min (50 min for each way). I don’t cycle really fast- I rather enjoy the way, so how many calories, approximately, am I burning?




  1. Calorie burn depends on your metabolsim, body weight and energy expended during exercise.  As a general rule, when cycling with an average speed of 15 mph, calorie burn is in the neighborhood of 650/hour.

  2. Try using this site:

  3. you are burning quite a lot. 40 minutes to 60 minutes is enough everyday for a training athlete. 30 minutes is the recommended for people that only want to improve in basic fitness levels.

    Id say that you are burning about 200 calories for every 1/2 an hour you ride for. it might be wrong. I dont seem to remember the facts from science, but yeh.

  4. It would depend on your metabolism and physical condition among other things so an exact estimate isn't possible but 20 miles cycling is enough to burn up over 1000 calories.

  5. 16 mph average burns about 1100 calories per hour (+/-). 11-13 mph burns about 650 and 11 mph burns about 400.

    These are wildly inaccurate guesses since your intensity/ride difficulty can cut these by half or multiply them off the scale. But since you ride every day in the 11-13 mph range you're probably in better shape and ride with more intensity than most so I'd bet you're on the upper end of 650-700 cals per hour.

  6. This is a good question, but it really can't be answered with any accuracy without more information.  The number of calories burned depends on lots of factors.  The primary factors are your gender, age, weight, intensity of riding, and of course distance.  

    You should also realize that issues like:

    - weight of your bicycle

    - type of tires and road surface

    - terrain

    - riding with a good aerodynamic position

    will substantially effect the amount of energy expended in your ride.  You might think having a power meter on your bike or exercise equipment would help.  After all there would seem to be a very direct correlation between measured power output (usually measured in Watts) and calories consumed.  Unfortunately, even that isn't really very accurate because the human body isn't particularly efficient.  A trained athlete is only about 25% efficient.  The other 75% of energy consumed is keeping the rest of your body running and radiates from the body in the form of heat!  Thus, even with highly accurate equipment, it is only possible to get an estimate of calories consumed.

    That said, there are a number of calorie calculators on the internet that will take a number of parameters into count and give you a decent estimate.  If your goal is to lose weight, these estimates will be accurate enough to help you burn off more than you consume.

    You might want to look at the following:

    (They also have a male calculalor on the site.)

    Hope this helps.

  7. if you are just cruising and it is all flat about 200-250 depending on your weight. but it is a great thing, you are cleaning your lungs, your skin, improving your digestion.... so many good things

    keep pedaling, save gas


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