
How many calories do I need to loose per day in order to loose 5 pounds per week?

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I am 14 5'8 and I weigh much do I need to loose per day in order to reach my goal of 5 punds per week..most of my body consists of muscle mass but all my fat goes to my goal is too loose 10 pounds in the next I lost 650 cal is that ok??




  1. Don't lose 5lbs a week. You can't do that and keep it off. I'm recovering from an ED. If you lost 5lbs it will be mostly water. Go to this website, it will give you a good idea of what kind of calories you need to take it to be HEALTHY and lose weight. Get some exercise and be consistent! <3

  2. First, I'd like to say - 5'8" & 140 lbs is not bad at all.  I have dated plenty of GORGEOUS or 'HOT' girls that weighed 140 and were much shorter than 5'8".

    Losing any more than 3 lbs a week is not healthy, and in the long term your chances of gaining "rebound weight" are much larger.  You can wind up at 150 in a few months by trying to lose weight using unstable methods.

    With that said - I would suggest you stick with a goal of 2-3 lbs/week.  That's still not easy to do, but it is feasible enough that you're more likely to not be disappointed by not making your goal - and then quit.

    Three key things - exercise and diet and drink lots of water.

    Hydration is key to everything your body does.  It effectively makes your body function better and faster.  Every cell in your body needs full hydration to properly take care of it's business - including burning fat and digesting food well.

    For exercise, I'd stay off of the weights completely.  Especially for women, but even men - at the adolescent stage, lifting a lot of weight can stunt your growth.  Do aerobic exercises like jogging, dancing, elliptical machine, and swimming.  Swimming is a GREAT workout.  It works more mucles than any other single activity, it helps control breathing (oxygen metabolizes foods, and essentially oxygen is what burns fat and energy), and it gives a slight tension to your body so you're working harder.  It's also fun.

    For diet - check out

    This site is constructed by the Lance Armstrong foundation.  It's entire purpose is to encourage and challenge everyone to live better and more healthy - not just physically, but in all areas.  It has a great link at the top when you log on called The Daily Plate.  It is 2 things - first it gives you a place to keep track of every little thing you've eaten or drank.  You type in what you ate - it searches a gigantic database of foods to find your entry - then it fills in all the work of calories/protein/sodium/fat, etc.  And it calculates what you've had in a day, and what percentage you have as well as how much you can still have.  You can set a goal of how much you want to lose in a given period of time.  From there, it will tell you the caloric intake you should have.

    It's completely free - I love it, and I hope you do too.  Good luck, and remember - you're beautiful... you're exactly who God made you to be, and it's a matter of perspective from there.  Have confidence in you, love yourself, and love those around you genuinely - that's what makes someone gorgeous.

  3. 3500 calories is a pound, but losing that much every day is impossible and unhealthy. Instead I would recommend cutting your calorie intake by 500 calories a day - that's one pound a week you're losing from diet - and in addition to that doing 30-60 minutes of fat-burning cardio, like running or any other high-energy workout, 4-6 days a week. That is the only way to get rid of existing fat.

    Anyway, at 5'8, 140 pounds would make you pretty thin. It might be unhealthy to lose too much weight, especially since you're probably going through puberty and you need some extra fat for your body's changes.

  4. you need to burn about 800 calories a day,

    while you exercise try and drink lots and lots of water each day and eat celery as your body actually burns more calories burning celery than consuming it so its a bonus! i live on the stuff

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