
How many calories do you burn playing golf in arizona summer heat?

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in a cart and without




  1. Believe me, it won't be calories that you will be worrying about.  In the AZ summer sum, you will loose more body fluid than calories.... and going at it walking (no cart) will be suicidal.

    Actually, it will probably burn the same amount of calories regardless of where you play.

  2. ALot more than playing in san diego.haha i played the other day it hit 107! high noon..Im no health wiz but Common sense will show that it burns more because of the heat not just BODY FLUID.

    a web site showed walking would be 1,655

    and riding would be   936

  3. Hi Chad -

    Just as Golf Nut TL said won't be burning calories by playing out in the hot Arizona Summer heat. You'll be sweating out a lot of salt and water. If you're looking to burn calories wherever you're golfing.....walk the course in lieu of driving a cart (if you're healthy enough to do so). The faster you walk, the higher you'll get your heart-rate up, which is  key to calorie-burning. Losing water-weight has nothing to do with burning calories. Your individual metabolism and blood pressure should be taken into account also. We each burn calories at different rates depending on these factors.

      If you are going to play golf in the hot sun, be sure to hydrate your body with plenty of fluids before, during, and after you golf, even if you're not thirsty. Once you become dehydrated, no amount of water will replenish your body ----your absorption functions will be shut down. Gatorade is great for replenishing potassium and fluids BEFORE, and to alleviate dehydration. I always eat a banana before I golf, to alleviate getting muscle cramps. Wear a hat and light colored loose clothing to deflect the heat away from you. Dark colors absorb heat -----not good when you're exerting yourself in the hot sun.

    To give you an exact number of calories that you will burn, is a mere impossibility. Again ----it depends on your body type, your health, and the amount of physical exertion that you expend. No matter your aim or agenda --- golfing IS great exercise, especially if you're willing to walk 9-18 holes AND carry your clubs. If you're sweating out there and begin to get chills -----you are dehydrated and have a classic case of heat prostration ---NOT good (Get help immediately if this occurs).

    One last thing .......good luck out there, and always take an extra pair of pants with you whenever you golf ----in case you get a hole in one !!?  ......ha!

      ......Have fun and good health to you!

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