
How many calories is a bowl of tomato soup?

by  |  earlier

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Im just wondering what to have for dinner tonight, so i thought of tomato soup, so how many calories is that and is it a fast carb or a slow carb and should i eatt this before a workout ???? most of all how many calories is in the average bowl of tomato soup???




  1. Well, it varies,

    One portion of Heinz contains around 175 calories. If you made it yourself then it could be around 200 calories.

    -If you bought it, then look on the tin. It will have the nutrition information on it.

    I would say that most tomato soup has between 200-300 calories in it. But if you are calorie counting then you don't want to under-estimate. So maybe say, 300 , just to be on the safe side?  

  2. Look on the tin!

    Depends how much your idea of a portion is too.

    About 300-400 I'd say (depending on brand/portion size etc.)

  3. Hello :) you can check it over at this website: covers almost whatever you can come up with.

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