
How many cannons were in Fort Duquesne?

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also, how many solders could the fort hold as a garrison? if you found the answer in a book tell me the year it was published, author, and title. if you found it on a website, tell me the exact site! Please email me soon! Thanks :-)




  1. Sorry I couldnt find any site that told anything about them even having a CANNON in Fort Dequesne.

    Fort Duquesne was defended by 250 French soldiers and Canadian militia. Outside the fort were camped about 650 Native American allies from various tribes.

    I have enclosed the link for the site that I got the info for the amount of soldiers.

  2. At Fort Duquesne, the French garrison consisted of only about 250 regulars and Canadian militia, with about 640 Indian allies camped outside the fort.

    "The armament consisted of a number of small cannon mounted on the bastions"

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