
How many cans of soda can kill you?

by  |  earlier

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I've already drank 3 cans of Pepsi in ten minutes.

How many can i drink before it kills me




  1. dont know, why dont you experiment it on yourself. If you die then hover over my bed and tell me.

  2. Depends on if your kidneys process the material faster than the sugar and the high fructose corn syrup do a number on your ability to keep blood sugar in place. The amount of caffine will be harmful but will take a high  number of cans to make an impact. I suspect that you will be barfing long before you reach a fatal dose.

  3. one if you get hit in the head with it.

  4. About 561 more.

  5. hundreds.when you are 400 pounds then you will kill you.

    stick to water.

  6. I'd say 112

  7. one more, just one more................if you are reading this, then it's one more again.....

  8. about 2 gallons, then you will start to succumb to water poisoning

  9. 100 or until you get a pound of pure caffeine or diabetes from the sugar

  10. If you want to know exactly, visit

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