
How many card should i have in my yogioh deck and how many majic and trap and spessial summen?

by Guest59320  |  earlier

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  1. 40-42 cards is best regardless of the deck theme.

    Most decks run anywhere from 17-20 monsters, 8-13 spell cards and 7-12 trap cards.

    Special summons are for monsters, so that's not a problem.

  2. You should have 40-60 cards in a deck. 10 magic and 10 trap because if you had to many youll most likely draw speelss and traps

  3. try and build your deck as close as possible to 40. i say about 41 or 42 is just fine but anything above that is not. just simply cuz itll be hard to get the cards you want or need at a specific time. most decks are about 18-20 monsters with the rest 20 up to spell and traps. simply build your deck around a deck that you can whip out your good cards asap and finish the duel asap. rule is: longer the duel = shorter chance of winning. :-)

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