
How many cards should I have in my yugioh deck?

by Guest67179  |  earlier

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Can someone please tell me a minimum, and maximum. and what is a balanced amount of cards in my deck, like monsters, spells, and traps.

thank you




  1. min is 40 max is 60 i always have 40 that way its a better chance of getting a card you need

  2. at least 40

    monsters 20-22

    Spell/Magic 1-12

    Traps 1-12

  3. A good deck stays right around 41  cards.

  4. no less then 40 no more then 60

    these r the new rules effectvie aug 11

    right now it's

    minum 40 most = any


    20/22 monsters

    8/14 spells

    6/13 traps

    depends on the deck and what u want it to do !

    hoped i helped

  5. Min - 40

    Max- 80

    I have 3 decks and one is 45, other is 59, and other is 62. I say the less you have the better.

  6. Well it should be constructed around 40 cards but some decks go beyond that because it is useful for them.  So the average card count should be between 43-48.  If say you are using a 40 card deck the outline should be 21 monsters, 11 spells, 8 traps.  That is what i used before but now since i have a 45 card deck it has changed a bit and it works pretty good.

  7. hmm yeah 40 would be good, but, if people have card destruction and needle worm, and other cards, what good would that do u then, especially if they bring it back with a card effect, so even though u can get your cards out with a 40 deck range, i can't garantee that you'll win with the cards you got when darwing from a 40 deck so I would say at least 50, highest 55. so that means min 40  and max 55, if your deck is good they would support each other, so it wouldn.t matter how many cards you have. =P good luck too you

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