
How many cars has man made in the last century? Doesn't it seem surreal?

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Traffic jams everywhere, source of global oil envy, pollution, road rage...the list goes on. I'm off to buy a donkey.




  1. I think that just over four cars were made in the last century.  I have not seen one of these, so called, "cars" yet, but I hear they are going to change the way the world does business.  I can't wait to get a yellow one!!!

  2. The donkey must eat as well!

  3. Looks like it was over 69 million in 2006 alone

    Yeah all those cars out there and at peak hour you can get around quicker on a bicycle.

    Top gears Jeremy Clarkson driving a Fiat Nuova Panda was beaten over a half marathon distance (peak hour London) by a pedestrian (oh alright he was a runner)

    The donkey will be handy if you have a bit of a load.

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