
How many cats can I keep in a 36" x 24" x 27" crate?

by  |  earlier

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My guess would be three or four max. All grown cats.




  1. i agree with sarah elizabeth

  2. Why on earth would you do that? They would co nuts and probably hurt each other!

  3. How many can you keep in there as like a home? 0 ZERO ZIP ZILCH NADA

    How many can you keep in there for maybe an hour or 2 or for moving purposes-well 3 larger cats and 4/5 that were on the smaller side. If they get along that is. And they must be fixed!

  4. I'm not going to bash you but I'd say zero hours. If you love your cats (and I hope you do) let them run and play. or perhaps a cat is not the ideal pet for you.

  5. Why on earth are you needing to crate a cat?

    My answer is NONE unless you can give me some incredible answer as to what would require you to cage a cat - period.

    Edit: are you KIDDING me?  You want to CAGE them because you don't like the fact you have to pick up their cat toys that are all around the house?  THEN WHY ON EARTH DO YOU HAVE CATS?  If this is such a chore for you then the best thing for these cats would be for you to give to someone who actually wants them.  And please don't breed - children leave toys around, too, and shouldn't be caged either.

  6. As many as you can cram in there. Oh - you mean keep them alive?

    Seriously, this depends on how long they will be in the crate. If for just an hour or two I would think 3 to 5 would be okay. But if you are thinking a day or more I would say no more than two.

  7. None.

    If you're too selfish and lazy to pick up the toys after your cats (cats that YOU chose to get) then give the cats to someone who's good enough to want to give them a proper life and proper care.

  8. 1-3

  9. Why would you keep 3 or 4 cats in a crate anyway? Cats need room to run and play.

  10.           NONE !

    Cats hate cages and they would be miserable . Especially if they are grown cats . They will probably get in a fight and hurt each other . The cats would hate this and you .

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