
How many cats is too many?

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is 2 cats and 2 kittens too many?




  1. No 4 is not too many as long as you can afford them and look after them all. You could have 100 as long as they were all well cared for! We have 3, and used to to have 4.

  2. depends on your living arrangement i wouldn't have that many in a house with young children, and they need neutering etc if you have that many before you end up with double the amount.

  3. If you can afford to feed them then no, I have 16 cats with some on the way, and Its not too many for us. Noone can tell you that ____ amount is too many. Its your choice.

  4. We have 28 'rescued' cats here at the centre. They all seem to get on fairly well together, but then we have the space for them.

    The most important thing is your ability to care for them, both with love and care, and food and vets bills. We would however, plead with you to get them neutered and spayed. We take in far to many pregnant cats and unwanted kittens :(

  5. 1 cat is too many. Cats are disgusting.

  6. I don't think so, as long as you can look after them properly and have the time and money to devote to them.  I think four is a perfectly acceptable number!

  7. I have 3 cats. Honestly, you can never have too many cats! Lol. As long as you can keep all of them healthy and happy, and you can afford to give all of them their shots and take them to the vet when they are sick, then it isn't too many.

    Hope I helped! :)

  8. I have 6 and that is fine as i ahve a huge house and garden.

    The person who said cats are disgusting is disgusting himself.

  9. No, i dont think that is too many. As long as they are well looked after. I have 11 cats. They all live very happily together and i wouldnt be without any of them

  10. no i have 5 cats 2 kittens 3of those from cats protection  

  11. 2 cats is too many lol, its what you prefere, up to you xxxxx

  12. i have four cats of my own and two foster kittens, and that amount for the size of my house and how much i am home is good. if my home was bigger i would probably get more, because i know that i can take care of them

  13. i  have 4 cats at the moment. have had many, many more but they are all neutered and old and quite happy. think at one time we had 20 but thats before anyone knew of neutering. 3 died 2 yrs ago so down to 4 and i love them all... i live in the rurals in Ireland with plenty of outside space....

  14. I always say 2 is plenty if they are good friends, but if you can afford to keep 4 carry on.  Just make sure they are neutered and registered at the local vets.

  15. i love cats so id like a  million*

    not really thath much lol

  16. About 43 and a half cats

  17. It depends on where you live, what sort of home you live in (house/apartment/studio/etc) and the laws in your area. Many cities have regulations for how many animals you can own, so be sure to check on that before acquiring a small army of felines.  

  18. i fink around 5?

    but it depoends on where you live and how big it is.

    when you start to smell of cat and each room has a cat then il say yea, too many. but awwwwwww kittens  

  19. i think 5 is too many,but its up to you!

  20. i think 3 cats (including kittens) is one too many

  21. too many

  22. I have 6 cats :)  It really depends on where you live, how big the living space is for the cats and also how well you are able to care for them financially and emotionally.  I have met people with as many as 12 cats, all well taken care of in a clean, happy environment.

  23. My mom has 52 cats. I told her enough is enough and no more and she had to nerve to pick up a cat and throw it at me. NO JOKE. I was so pissed!

  24. As long as you can provide proper nutrition and VAT care, then it's not to many. If you have the money and the time and keep things clean, you can have as many as you want.

  25. One

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