
How many cattle deaths have been proven to be caused by Mexican gray wolves since the reintroduction in 1998?

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How many cattle deaths have been proven to be caused by Mexican gray wolves since the reintroduction in 1998?




  1. who cares?? We need wolves in the wild to help restore the Eco System since we are destroying it and killing every species that thrives on the habitat. Wolves are benefit us all whether they kill some cattle or alot, theres more at stake then some cattle owner losing its useless cattle to begin with. Cattle is easy to come by but the price of our wildlife, and Habitat that supports it and the habitat that provides an Eco System for us to  thrive on which provides us the very baiscs of human needs or survival.

  2. Go to this website:  

    Then click on the link at the top - "Land in Crisis"

    That will give you some perspective on how the reintroduction of the "Mexican Gray Wolf" has impacted ranchers who live near the areas where those "wolves" were released...

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