
How many caught that History channel slap down to the 911 conspiracy nuts?

by  |  earlier

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That was ownage bordering on the brutal.




  1. History channel deployed to do that kind of stuff...don't you think it's odd that they can make a program about 9/11 with a bias, but they can't even come to concusions about "the moon"...they always end the programs with "perhaps we'll never know"...they have such conviction when NIST hasn't finished their building 7 structural failure report (and probably never will)

  2. It's on here now too. Very good show. Sadly there are still those that think the world is flat too. There are some that won't believe it no matter how much credible proof they're confronted with. That's why they're called nuts.

  3. I've never beleived in the conspiracy, their nuts anyways.  Glad to see that the rebuking got air-time as well instead of just the crazy theorists who put on a good show but lack real evidence.

  4. No, wish I had seen it.

  5. I missed it...will it be repeated?

  6. i didnt see it but my theory is the gov was behind it

    the is capable and there is a motive

    we need oil and where else to go; there is no wmd's; and i doubt we're really "rebuilding" iraq

  7. They did a nice job, didn't they? I can't wait to see the responses you get to this one!

  8. I have yet to see it, i am hoping its credible and explains a lot of the loose ends. I would rather believe it was a terrorist act than an inside job.

  9. If you really want to know the truth, watch this movie for free.

  10. ha, its on right now in my area, lol

  11. Rupert Murdoch is a very powerful man.

    I don't know about you guys but, I's thunk everything I's sees on tha tee vee  O_O

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