
How many chairs will Cannavaro need.......?

by Guest66936  |  earlier

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If he wants to handshake with Yao Ming?




  1. LMAO! only one!

  2. I think almost any football player would need a chair to give him a handshake. LMAO. He's soo freakin' tall. He'd be more than 2 feet taller than me. WHOA. Well I'm pretty short. Haha. I like Yao Ming :] He seems like a nice guy. A friendly giant, LOL.

  3. He doesn't need any.

    OMG I didn't realize how big he was. 7 FT 6 in.  I thought I was tall at 6'2"

  4. None to shake but to like idk, touch his hair, it would take a 8 step ladder.

  5. Dude, if only u were as good as Cannavaro eh?  

  6. lol maybe 5

    (the kind he sits on > kiddie ones hehe)

  7. Chairs? You mean an Elevator.  

  8. He's the right hight for his fav thing.... BJ!!!!!!

  9. For a handshake... None

    For something else... Still none, cause he wouldnt do it. Buffon would get jealous haha.

    And there we go again, what is wrong with me, Forza Italia!!

    lol @ Stefy. It's true we shouldn't be talking.

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