
How many championships would Kobe have if Shaq never went on his team?

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we all know that Kobe's secret weapon is Shaq's A.S.S. Faker fans shouldn't be hating on Shaq for bringing them 3 titles, but they're too dumb to realize it. now Kobe can't do anything because he can no longer breastfeed off Shaq. look at his Finals numbers. he never shot above 40% and he's the reason why the Fakers lost against the Pistons in 2004. haha, dumb Faker fans think Kobe is their hero.




  1. the real question is... what team do you like that kobe and the lakers have beaten over and over again?

  2. Most likely, none.  

  3. A) It was SHAQ's team not Kobe's, Kobe was riding the bench as a Rookie

    B) ZERO


  4. HAHAHA you are so weird but you make me laugh so hard everytime I read your questions...............i love it!!!!

    B.G and Jack: what do you mean Shaq would have never won without Kobe either, what is his 06 championship with the Heat then. I'm pretty sure Kobe was not on that team

  5. Who got tradded????? yea thought so....Shaq wouldn't have won without Kobe either

  6. negative one. he would had none and since he screwed up in 2008 finals, its -1

  7. Kobe would be like T-Mac.  

  8. 0, Shaq was in his prime back then. But i doubt shaq would have won without Kobe either. They needed them both.

  9. Zero.

    And if Shaq didn't have Kobe, Shaq would have gotten 6.

    Shaq in 2000-2005 could win with just about anybody (except for Kobe and Stephen Marbury).

    Look at how Kobe robbed Shaq from 2 rings ans 2 finals MVPs just because Kobe is "tired of being Shaq's sidekick" (The Last Season).

  10. Whatever you think.

  11. none because shaq would do defense kobe offense AND SHAQ A LITTLE OFFENSE

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