
How many chickens does it take to get 2 dozen eggs each day??

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How many chickens does it take to get 2 dozen eggs each day??




  1. You would probably need around 30 hens, or possibly a few more.

    It takes a hen 24-26 hours to produce an egg, so evey 2-3 weeks they will skip a day.

    They also won't lay when they are molting, and they often go off the lay when there aren't enough daylight hours.

    We have 8 hens and usually get between 4 and 7 eggs a day . There are also days that we may only get 2 or 3 eggs, and the occasional day we get 8 eggs.

  2. It depends on the breed, some hens are more prolific layers than others. It also depends on the age of the hen and the first 3 years of the average hens life is the most productive.

    If you wanted 12 eggs a day, I'd get 14-16 hens and choose varieties such as Warrens, Blackrocks, Light Sussex, Rhode Island Reds or Marans. Personally I find the Maran eggs the tastiest and have a really good colour to the yolk but this can also depend on the hens diet.

  3. It depends actually. We have about 20 chickens or so and sometimes we will only get 8 eggs, but sometimes we will get nearly 15 of them in one day. Alot of times it seems to depend on the weather.  In the spring they lay like its their job, but as it gets colder they dont do as much.

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