
How many chickens should a person have at a time?

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How many chickens should a person have at a time?




  1. Ok, as many as you want and have space for. I would recommend having less in an apartment than on a farm though.Just a thought.


    depends why you want them..

    as pets, for eggs?  to eat?

    personally we have a family of 3 and keep 4 laying hens as PETS.. and for eggs..

    read the link - its good info

  3. Only as many birds as you can take care of at one time. I currently am raising 20 Polish Standard breds. I also just got a box(27) full of Turkeys. I have a 1/3 acre lot. I am getting old and it is hard to keep up with the back part of the lot. I am going to turn the chickens and turkeys loose back there. They can keep it picked down.

  4. I have over 100 right now...

  5. depends on what youre using them for and the facilities you have at hand, if you have a large barn its better to buy more in bulk and pay less, if you only have a little room buy fewer, if the chickens are meant to be eaten you wont have to take care of them for long and can handle more, chickens raised to give eggs take a larger investment of time and money so its better to have less

  6. I say about 3 because the chickens will keep each other company and will let you do what you want.

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