
How many children can an environmentalist have without being a hypocrite?

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How many children can an environmentalist have without being a hypocrite?




  1. None of your business and keep your own house clean before you insult anothers.

  2. it is seriously not the amount of kids you have but the education you give them , because if i only were to have 1 child , but didnt educate him about the environment i guess he would be more destructive toward it , than other couple educated 9 kids.

  3. Ideally, you should only have 2 children (so that they're only replacing you and your husband/boyfriend.) But you can really have any amount of children and not be a hypocrite because the number of children doesn't affect you as an environmentalist...its more how you handle raising your children (i.e. cloth diapers, breast-feeding, etc)

  4. As many as they want.  The right-wing is attempting to gain a foothold in the environmental issues by whining about "overpopulation." And, again, showing their ignorance.

    Look--granted human population cannot increase indefinately.  but it ISN'T.  Every indication we have is tha tpopulation growth is slowing and will stabilize--or even decline slightly--by the end of the century.

    From a standpoint of global warming, we get off oil or we ruin the planet. Period.  We also need to start some sane land use and forest/reforestration policies.  Finally, we have to stop overfishing--though, sadly, that is going to take care if itself witin a very few years --because we are running out of fish.

    The reason I took off after the right-wing is that their is a "subtext" to their propaganda.  If you look closely at what they are saying--it boils down to using force to "restrain" population growth of non-whites. In oteher words, its one more excuse to try tospread their racism and bigotry.  I realize many decent people are concerned about population growth--but they really don't need to be.  Basically--aside from the racist overtones the right-wing is imparting to it--it is also one more attempt to distract people from making the technological changes that are needed.

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