
How many children do you have? *POLL*

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How many children do you have?

What are their names?

How old are they?

What is your favorite part about being a mom?


How many children do you have? - I have 6 and I am pregnant with my 7th.

What are their names? - Molly, Dominic, Nicholas, Claire, Julia, and Noah

How old are they? Molly - 9, Dominic - 7, Nick - 6, Claire - 4, Julia - 3, and Noah - 1.

What is your favorite part about being a mom? - I love their hugs and smiles.




  1. Hi Honey, I have 3 Boys,

    Josh 19,  Zac  13,  Beau 8

    I love being there and seeing all my boys growing up and enjoying life, seeing them experience lots of different things, their birthdays, like their first day at school, to their sporting events, their girlfriends, and when they just want to have a cuddle and kiss, even though they are different in ages, (due to few miscarriages), they all love and respect each other.

    They still all kick the footy around together, or go to the movies etc.

    It is a honour for me to be choosen to be their Mum.

  2. I have four children- one still in me at this point, lol

    There names are- Thomas, Tessala, Taylyn and baby inside me is Tavin if a boy and no girl named picked out yet (we find out what it is tomorrow)

    There ages are- Thomas- almost 4 years, Tessala 2.5 years and Taylyn 1 year. Baby- not born yet, lol

    My favorite part of being a mom is the unconditional love from my children, even though i punish them they always come right to me and want to be loved.  Whats better than that? lol

  3. How many children do you have?

    4 sons

    What are their names?

    Sorry, not comfortable disclosing

    How old are they?

    9 1/2, 11, 12 and 16

    What is your favorite part about being a mom?

    My children, everything about them, even the aggravating parts :)

  4. I have 6  kids  

    Joshua is 11

    scott is 10

    taibtha is  7

    abagail is  6

    johnathan is  2 1/2

    and serenity is  almost 3 months old .

    I love  when my  kids  come  up to me and  hold  on to me and tell me MOM  you are the  best  mom anyone could ever  have and i  love  you :)

  5. i have a daughter  and one on the way

    her name is Ava Jayden and haven't picked a name yet for this little bean

    She is 2.5 and pregnancy is 10 wks

    Fav part of being a mommy everything!!

  6. I have 2, one still inside my belly...

    My son is named Mason.. the baby in me will either be Marcia Mackenzie Grace Dulier... or Colton Bryant Antone Dulier..

    Mason just turned 2.. the baby is due in feb. or mar.

    when I'm laying down and he crawls on top of me and puts his head on my chest with his arms around me, and lets a calm and happy sigh. I love it.

  7. kids: 2, pregnant with #3

    ages: 12, 8 & due in novemeber

    name: courtnie, braden & the baby, it is a boy and it will be dax

    i love everything. my favorite is the way that they need me and i know it.

  8. We have 4 boys

    Tyler 13

    Travis 13

    Zachary 11

    Chase 8

    I love watching them grow into individuals with their own interests and personalities. I love how they have taught me almost as much as I have taught them  

  9. Name: Dylan (Dids)

    Age: 2years old.

    Fav part of being a mom: None stop love and just the general fun and joy he brings to me :-)

    Stacey x*x

  10. I have one daughter and she will be two later this month.  I have a BA in child development from before she was born.  It is really interesting to see all the development happen right before my eyes that up until now I have only read about.

  11. How many children do you have? - I have 3.

    What are their names and ages?  - Christopher 3yrs old, Nicholas 19 months old, Catherine also 19 months old(twins)

    What is your favorite part about being a mom? -  I have so many...the kisses, hugges, early morning tackles, just about everything even the p**p.

  12. 0 and proud of it

  13. How many children do you have?

    2 boys and 1 on the way

    What are their names?

    david and bryan

    How old are they?

    david 2 1/2 and bryan 4 months and 6 weeks pregnant

    What is your favorite part about being a mom?

    there cuddles and smiles they melt my heart every time

    just a quick question i noticed some of your children are close together how have you coped as my son will only just turned one when my next baby is due

  14. How many children do you have? 2

    What are their names? Stefan and Nicholas

    How old are they? 3 years old and 4 months old

    What is your favorite part about being a mom? I absolutely love watching them grow, watching them smile and their belly laughs:)

  15. Two

    Prince and Rizzo

    Prince is 5 1/2 and Rizzo is 6 months

    I love the fact that no matter how long I've been gone they are always happy to see me

    (in case you haven't figured it out, my two "sons" are dogs.  They are the only children I have.)

  16. I have 2 Children Gina 38 and Joshua 28.  My favorite part of being a mom is looking back over the years and seeing how my children have turned out.  When I was in the middle of raising them I was always so busy  that I didn't enjoy them as much as I should have.  I would have been unable to have 7 children so if that is what you want then you are very lucky

  17. I have four,

    Ivy 10, Christopher 8, Hunter 6 and Landon 4

    My favorite part of being a parent is the love and joy they bring to me and watching them grow and learn everyday

  18. 1) I have 2 boys and pregnant with a little girl

    2) Jacob and Kane. (next one will be Isla-mai)

    3) Jacob is 5 and Kane is 4

    4) I love everything about it, Right down to the art work on my living room wall!!!

  19. I have 2 daughters

    Name: Aubree and Emma

    Age:4 and 2

    My favorite: Watching them learn something new and seeing it click in their eyes...and also see them doing things just like my husband or myself, it's hilarious

  20. No kids.  

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