
How many children do you want?

by  |  earlier

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I would love 4 or 5 someday, do you have any? How many are in your family? (brothers, sisters, etc)




  1. i have two older sisters and i want to have two or three children fairly close together (like within 3 years of eachother)  

  2. I want 5 Children about to have my third so 2 to go. I would love to have another 2 sons so in the end i have 3 sons and 2 daughters

  3. I would want three. I don't have children but I am one of four. A group of four is most fun and interesting (: good choice.

  4. 2-4 mostly girls

  5. I want 2, maximum of 4 though. I only have a brother, and my fiance has two siblings. He wants 4 kids and I wanted 2 or 3 but since being pregnant again I think 2 will do me : ) I've got the one girl one boy thing going for me, if this second baby had have been another girl I would have definitely tried at least once more for a boy

  6. ive only got one lil sister. but i want at least two kids, maybe up to four though. i really wanna girl so i might just keep tryen till i get one. but once i hit four ill stop.  

  7. I have one brother and sister. At the moment I have one child {a son} but I want at least 2 more - my goal is 4 kids. I like that number and want a large family :)  

  8. I am an only child and i want 2 or 3..

  9. my family tends to have sets of 4 children fairly close in age... both of my parents were youngest of 4 (mom one of 4 all withing 5years and 1 day of eachother)

    i would like 2-3 children... maybe 4

    i have one beautiful son 14 months old he was a surprise and i will wait untill he is a little older and we are more finantially stable before we try for another one.

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