
How many children josephine baker adopt and what did she name them?

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How many children josephine baker adopt and what did she name them?




  1. Josephine Baker   (June 3, 1906 to– April 12, 1975) was an American-born French expatriate entertainer and singer. She became a French citizen in 1937.

    Though based in France, she supported the American Civil Rights Movement during the 1950s. She protested in her own way against racism, adopting twelve multi-ethnic orphans, whom she called her "Rainbow Tribe."  Her adopted children were: Akio (Korean son), Janot (Japanese son), Luis (Colombian son), Jarry (Finnish son), Jean-Claude (Canadian son), Moise (French Jewish son; pronounced moh- EEZ, French for Moses ), Brahim (Algerian son), Marianne (French daughter), Koffi (Cote d'Ivoirean--or Ivory Coast, Africa-- son), Mara (Venezuelan son), Noel (French son), and Stellina (Moroccan daughter). Baker bore only one child herself, stillborn in 1941, an incident that precipitated an emergency hysterectomy.

         Josephine Baker's true ethnic background is unknown. According to Jean-Claude Baker's much researched biography: "Her mother Carrie was adopted in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1886 by Richard and Elvira McDonald, both of whom were former slaves of both African and Native American descent, and her father's identity is debated. Some think Josephine's father was white,—so did Josephine, so did her family.People in St. Louis say that her mother had worked for a German family around the time she became pregnant. Carrie let people think  vaudeville drummer  Eddie Carson was the father, and Carson played along, but Josephine knew better."

         She also worked with the NAACP. In 1963, she spoke at the March on Washington at the side of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Wearing her Free French uniform with her Legion of Honor decoration (presented to her by General Charles de Gaulle after World War II for her work with the French Underground), she was the only woman to speak at the rally. After King's assassination his widow, Coretta Scott King, approached Baker in Holland to ask if she would take her husband's place as leader of the American Civil Rights Movement. After many days of thinking it over, Baker declined, stating that her children were " ... too young to lose their mother."

  2. Her twelve adopted children were: Akio (male), Janot (male), Luis (male), Jari (male), Jean-Claude (male), Moise (male), Brahim (male), Marianne (female), Koffi (male), Mara (male), Noel (male), Stellina (female). Josephine's last marriage was to American Artist Robert Brady.

    Here is sad but interesting story......

    CASTELNAUD-LA-CHAPELLE, Vallee of the Dordogne, France -- She could be any homeless person, a bespectacled middle-aged woman, her hair covered unflatteringly in a scarf, a blanket pulled over her lap and water bottles surrounding her bare feet as she camps on the doorstep of the home of 22 years from which she's just been evicted and locked out. But she is not just any homeless woman, and not just any woman. She's the woman Hemingway once called the most beautiful in the world. She is Josephine Baker, one-time star of the Folies Bergere, child of St. Louis who went on to become hero of the Resistance, black performer who refused to play segregated halls when she returned to her native land, American darling of 1920s France sometimes credited as the inventor of the Charleston and inspirer of Le Jazz Hot, mother to 12 adopted children -- a legend, unceremoniously dumped on the back porch like a piece of meat past its prime, poignantly pleading to a reporter, "I won't leave my home."

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