
How many children must die?

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On animal planet last night they had a story about a boy almost killed by dogs, they chewed his ear off & most of his arm. Every year more & more children are killed by dogs that don't bite. When will we ever have enough mercy to ban dog ownership?




  1. I understand where you're coming from.  I'm not a child, but this year I have had three scary incidents involving dogs, and one bite in the arm that thank God wasn't serious.  I have been terrified and terrorized, and I have to carry pepper spray when I walk now because of the fear.  I own dogs, and when one of my dogs became aggressive last year and big someone, we put him to sleep.  I think dog ownership requires responsibility and knowledge and commitment, and people who don't prove themselves trustworthy should not own dogs.  This is merciful to the dogs as well as the human race.

  2. This my friend is a perfect example of why dogs must be put to eternal rest, they don't care if you treat them as a pet or an enemy. They have no decency and without doubt when the situation calls for it that those fcking mutts will treat anything [including your children] as a potential meal, kill them before anything else occurs.

    Why own a mutt in the first place? Companionship is an excuse, you just want something you can train to sic on others or to do your labor of carrying small objects.

    Make the world a better place, promote the extinction of mutts.

  3. Children also choke on food. When will we ever have enough mercy to ban food ownership?

    When, God?!? When???

  4. We should just ban children from playing with dogs. And cats. And rabbits. And chickens. And ducks.

  5. really? well maybe i would like to ban things that you like! like being dumb, can we ban you and just put you in a little box! freedom is for everyone bro not just the self righteous that think they can solve the world by taking away freedoms from everyone because of a few!

  6. More children are killed by car accidents

    So cars are necessary you say

    More children drown in swimming pools

    Should we ban the ownership of swimming pools?

  7. I propose banning children. Most people are too stupid to raise them anyway....

  8. I say we just ban life altogether. If there was no life then no one would ever be in any danger ever again.

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