
How many children....?

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are in the United States that don't have parents like their up for adoption?? anyone have an idea?




  1. Around 140,000

  2. According to there are approximately 114,000 children in foster care that are available for adoption.

  3. Point in Time. As of September 30, 2003, there were an estimated 523,000 children in foster care.

    Entries. During FY 2003, 297,000 children entered foster care.

    Exits. During FY 2003, 281,000 children exited foster care.

    Trends. Between FY 1998 and FY 2003, the number of children in care as of September 30 dropped slightly, while entries into and exits from foster care during those years increased slightly.

    Placement Types

    Point in Time. Of the estimated 523,000 children in foster care as of September 30, 2003, 46 percent were in nonrelative foster family homes, 23 percent were in relative foster homes, 19 percent were in group homes or institutions, 5 percent were in pre-adoptive homes, and 7 percent were in other placement types.

    Trends. Placement type as of September 30 remained relatively unchanged between FY 1998 and FY 2003. Placement in relative foster homes showed the largest change, dropping 6 percentage points.

    Permanency Goals

    Point in Time. Of the estimated 523,000 children in foster care as of September 30, 2003, 48 percent had a goal of reunification with parent(s) or principal caregiver(s), 20 percent had a goal of adoption, 8 percent had a goal of living with a relative or guardian, 8 percent had a goal of long-term foster care, 6 percent had a goal of emancipation,3 and 10 percent had not yet had a permanency goal established.

    Trends. The most dramatic change between FY 1998 and FY 2003 occurred in the proportion of children in the "No Goal Established" category, which posted a decrease of 13 percentage points. Also of note was an 8 percent increase in children with a goal of reunification.


    Exits. Of the estimated 281,000 children who exited foster care during FY 2003, 55 percent were reunified with parent(s) or primary caretaker(s), 18 percent were adopted, 15 percent went to live with a relative or guardian, 8 percent were emancipated, and 4 percent had other outcomes.4

    Trends. The percentage of children adopted increased by 4 percent, while the percentage of children reunified with family decreased by 7 percent between FY 1998 and FY 2003. Overall, the percentage of children exiting foster care to a permanent family (i.e., reunification, adoption, or living with relative/guardian) remained about the same between the two periods.

    Length of Stay

    Exits. Of the estimated 281,000 children who exited foster care during FY 2003, 18 percent had been in care less than 1 month, 32 percent had been in care for 1 to 11 months, 20 percent had been in care for 12 to 23 months, 11 percent had been in care for 24 to 35 months, 10 percent had been in care for 36 to 59 months, and 9 percent had been in care for 5 or more years.

    Trends. The time children spent in foster care changed little between FY 1998 and FY 2003. The median length of stay was 11 months in FY 1998 and 11.9 months in FY 2002.

  4. Lots of them. I don't know the exact figure, but a friend of mine adopted and found success rather quickly.

  5. Many children are up for adoption and don't have anyone to adopt them. Famous people should adopt children from our country and fix this country before fixing others, like the Brangelina bunch but in a way I understand cose in this country children have help from the government and in others they don't so!


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