
How many children should a pre school teacher have in a class?

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how many kids should they have and what should their ages be? what things are illegal for the school's directer to do/ What rights do they have?




  1. The max is 20 kids.. keep in mind it's not a day care it's a government program.. each pre school teacher must have an assistance in the room at all times, so there is always 2 people supervising. preschool regulations does not come from school and it's supervised by the government program provider. preschool ages are 3-5 years old there should be no kids younger than that. mentally challanged and kids with disabilities attend different (rooms) or programs at school.

  2. I trhink 5 kids per teacher dah.

  3. well it should be 29 or 30 kids.there age should be under 5.and the teachers tells them some rules stuffs.

  4. I think it should depend on the ages.  

    Two and three year olds should have 1 teacher for every 6 children.

    Four year olds should have 1 teacher for every 8 children.

    Illegal things

    hitting or spanking



    calling kids names

  5. Consult with your state health department.  If you don't want to reference the inquiry about yourself (in case you are running a home-based daycare) then ask in reference because you are placing your child into a daycare and want to know.

    Not all states have the same rule.

  6. I think the maximum number is 20 children per teacher.

  7. betwen 10 to 20

  8. Depends on the intulectual. But on average 10 kids - 14 kids (not a lot)

  9. Most likely 10, because I heard many PreSchool teachers say this "It's really hard with 20 kids, so we like to keep it cool with 10, preschoolers are CRAAZZY!"

    I'm talking real here!  This is what I hear mostly!

        Anyways, the ages are most likely 4 and younger, 5 is starting kindergarden...

    Hope I helped! And hope I get  Best Anser!

  10. I think it varies by state, the ratio of teachers to children.  My son has 13 children in his preschool class with one teacher and a helper teacher.

  11. It depends on where you come from. Your state licensing and regulations would outline staff:child ratios very clearly. Here in Australia the ratio is 1:10. There must be one qualified teacher/child care worker, and then you may have untrained asssistants to complete the ratios. This is the case for 3-5 yr olds.

    For 2-3 year olds the ratio is 1:8, and for under 2s it is 1:5 (although currently they are fighting to change this to 1:4)

    It is illegal for a Director to break these staff:child ratios as it is a breach of licensing. In some states in Australia, centres can apply for an "exemption" if they are unable to staff enough qualified staff for the day. However they must have exhausted every possible avenue in trying to obtain the qualified staff member, including staffing agencies.

  12. State mandated ratios are diff. in each state but not by much.  

    I live in PA and my currently they are as follows...

      Infants- 1 teacher to 4 children

    Young toddlers (12 months-24 months) is 1:5

    Older toddlers  (24 months-36 months) is 1:6

    Preschoolers (3-5 year olds) 1:10

    As a director, most importantly, I always have to respect the children.  NO physical discipline AT ALL is EVER tolerated by myself or my staff (ILLEGAL)  As a director, I do have is the right to deny or terminate childcare for reasons I see fit such as lack or payment, if the child is physically abusive to other children or staff or if the parent is abusive (verbally or physically).   You should always ask for a parent manual and what the center's policies on discipline are. EVERY reputable center should have a policy/parent manual, if they do not have policies in writing I would be very weary.

  13. It depends on where you live, there should a ratio you have to follow. For example in Florida it is 1:4 for children up to age ,for children 1 year of age or older but under 2 it is 1:6, for children 2 year of age or older but under 3 it is 1:11, for children 3 years of age or older but under 4 it is 1:15, for children 4 years of age or older but under 5  it is 1:20, and for children 5 years of age and older it is 1:25.

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