
How many cigarettes do you smoke per day? per week?

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How many cigarettes do you smoke per day? per week?




  1. Yeah, smoking is for bad people.  Seriously, why do these anti-smoking socialist liberals insist on coming on here with their "smoking is bad!" c**p... WE KNOW.  (Yes, Yahoo Answers, I know that can be perceived as shouting - I hope it is!)  Aaanyway, personally, about 15-20 per day, so almost a pack.  Cutting down to half a pack though, and then hopefully only a pack a week - it's expensive...

  2. None, smoking is for stupid and bad people...

  3. 25-30 a day. So approx 210 a week.  

  4. I smoke 2 packs a day thats 40 cigarettes a day 280 a week

  5. None, because i don't (and never would) smoke. I don't judge people who do, it's a lifestyle choice, but i choose not to.  

  6. 10 to 12 per day on weekdays

    20 per day on weekends and vacation

    About 100 cigarettes per week, 5 packs per week

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