
How many ciggarettes can i bring back flying from lazarotte?

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How many ciggarettes can i bring back flying from lazarotte?




  1. 200

  2. take your own cargo plane and knock yourself out.

    failing that, dont know


  3. check your airlines website.

  4. You can bring bck 3000 per person ive just come bck few wks ago.

  5. i think it's two cartons per person, but check with the airline.

  6. As it is not within the EU it is only 200 per person. I went there in January 06

  7. 200 but u can take a chance and bring what u like i did last year

  8. check with the customs, usually it's 2 cartons total of 200 cigarettes, if u bring more u would have to pay taxes for them

  9. legally as far as I know it is 200 per person but i know people who have brought home alot more than that

  10. Only 200 legally as it is a duty free island, as are all of the Canary Islands.  The rest of Spain you can bring back however many you want.

  11. I worked for customs you get 200 ciggarettes per person anything over that will be taken off you or you will have to pay duty on them.

    As this is one of the few European flights where there are restrictions you are very often checked on arrival.

    Drink and perfume is also restricted.

  12. yeah 200 duty free

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