
How many citizens does it take to strat a revolution againts our corrupt government?

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Being as oil prices are at an all time historic high and our President is "Big Oil" and our new Democratic nominee will most likely be decided by "Super Delegates" not the people....WTF! Seems like our government is no longer "for the people by the people" which is in fact a constitutional right to all of us..........when does the revolution start and we take back our government? Do we all just follow along to the edge of the cliff while they herd us like cattle to our doom?




  1. Guitars ? or in a band ? Not sure what your asking.

  2. 1 sounds good, We do need a revolution, Big business runs it all, and you know who runs those big businesses? Rich/ greedy republicans and some democrats. Not the decent people. Thats why the 1st step we need to take is to never vote republican again, cause that would mean 8 more years of Bush except through a new president. It would mean more money for rich people, no more social security, no health care for even more people, thousands of more deaths in Iraq, and probably more countries around the world hating us.

  3. "You are not an individual snowflake".

    To answer your question look up what movie this is quoted from.

  4. I was thinking Ron Paul might be a good start,it seems like people need a leader to get motivated.

  5. I'd say around five million - armed... and possibly insane.

    Good luck with that.

  6. I will put this as simply as possible... What government would be perfect in a nation of many different values and cultures. What leader or group could possibly satisfy every man and woman. For every revolution there will be loyalists. For every Loyalist group there would be opposer's of different ideals and cultures. The idea of a revolution now is complete rubbish. It would only cause more death and more strife.

  7. The problem is, not enough people seem to give c**p.  Sure alot of people talk tough but when it comes right down to it, any change in life style scares them.  The people as a whole are afraid of change.  I am not talking politicians either.  I am talking an entire nation of change.  The government just creates arguments among parties to keep the populace busy arguing over who is right and who is wrong.   And they really dont care.  Until people are jailed or killed for what they say, the nation will never wake up in time to stop it.  God forbid their starbucks gets cold.

    Concerned concervative.

  8. You can try if there is just you, but if less than a majority (around150,000,000 U.S. Citizens) agree with you, you may be considered a traitor.

    You will then pay the BIG price for your treachery!

  9. one.

  10. Looking for a revolution try South America I hear they kind of like that sort of thing down there. I'm sorry to hear about your corrupt government, we don't have that problem here in the U.S. where did you say you were from again.I forgot.

  11. You start with just "one".  It will grow from there.

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