
How many clients can a newly qualified hypnotherapist hope to see??

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obviously it takes time to build a good name/reputation but once qualified how many clients does the 'average' hypnotherapist see when they first start out??




  1. This is a very difficult question to answer. It doesn't actually depend on your skills. What depends on your skills is how many clients you will actually keep coming to you and spreading a good word about you.

    The size of your clientèle at the beginning of your carreer will entirely depend of where you live and how well and how convincingly you advertise.  

    If you live in a very small place, don't count on too many clients, alas!

    If you live in a medium size town and you advertise well - and  possibly if you get the help of the local newspaper to write an article about you and the benefits of hypnotherapy (I did, and it worked like a charm!) - you might get quite a number of clients right away and your skills come in afterwards to keep them happy and talking positively about you. You might get 3-4 clients a day to start with.

    If you live in a large city, it can end up both ways, Either the market is saturated and people don't care and have stopped reading the adverts as there are too many - or you have a clever and eye-catching advert which people see and believe in, and ... anything might happen!

    Remember to offer free presentation evenings - 1 to 1 and 1/2 hour of presentation of what you do and what it is helpful for. People love that. If you have few clients, you can do this type of presentation once a month. If you think conference rooms are too expensive, ask the local school to let you use a classroom for the purpose f.ex., and don't forget to provide coffee and tea and biscuits. It's a worthwhile investment.

    Anyway, you have chosen a marvellous profession. I love doing what I do (I am no competitor as I live in Norway!) and I am sure you will do well.

    I wish you all the best!

  2. Not sure- I would think it also depends on what kind problems you will be treating.  Ive heard of alot of ppl using it quit smoking- that would be something that I think many people would try and you could advertise.  Good luck

  3. I guess it depends on how many people actually believe in that stuff.

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