
How many co-sponsors are needed to pass a state House Bill? Can you give me info on the process? Thanks!?

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How many co-sponsors are needed to pass a state House Bill? Can you give me info on the process? Thanks!?




  1. You don't need any co-sponsors at all. A bill needs one person to sponsor it. Once that happens it goes to the calendar for scheduling to committee. It then goes to some subcommittee. It has to be voted out of the subcommittee and committee before it can proceed to the floor. The legislative body then votes on the proposed bill after discussion and amendments. If it passes there it goes to the other legislative body for the same treatment. If that body passes the bill it will no doubt be different from the bill passed by the first body. It will then go back to the original chamber for vote. By some miracle the body may vote and pass it in its original form. If not it goes to conference committee to be ironed out. Then both bodies have to vote on it again. If that passes it goes to the President who can sign it, veto it, or if occurring late enough in the legislative session pocket veto it by putting it in a desk drawer so to speak. If it isn't late enough and he neither vetoes or signs it it will become law without his signature.

    This is the simplified version

  2. Co-sponsoring is shared credit for authoring the bill; but it's actually the voting that gets it passed. A bill can have a single sponsor and pass, or 100 co-sponsors and still fail.

  3. The important point to remember is that you need a plurality, meaning a majority  of the votes,  There also must be a quorum, meaning legal more than 1/2 of the membership is present. A plurality is not a majority of the votes

           100 people vote

             49 yes                            

             48 no                                  

               3 present

       49 is the biggest number but not a majority of a 100.

      Any number of co sponsors is swell but get their votes

      when it is time to vote on the bill passing. That is what


                           hope that helps.


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