
How many coaches does an elite figure skater usually have and how many hours a week do they usually train?

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i'm looking for the average time/money/coaches that a competitive skater would do-




  1. I have I have five...

    One for gymnastics (125$ for a series of lessons)

    One for ballet (375$ for a series of lessons)

    One for pilates ($90 for a series of lessons)

    One for off ice (30 for and hour workout i go 4 times a week)

    And one for on ice (30$ for a 30 min lesson, i go...3-6 times a week)

  2. Out west it may be different, but in Jersey most skaters have a coach and a choreography (we very rarely break out the harness for singles skating) and elites practice 5 or 6 days a week, 3 to 6 hours a day on ice and 2 or 3 off ice, but if someone does 6 hours on ice in a day it's usually once a week with no off ice that day except for warm-up/cool-down.

    Lately people have been switching coaches frequently, but that has to do with the politics between two high level rinks here.  Other coaches at the same rink will also give advice to a skaters main coach and help out here or there with different things although they aren't official the skater's coach.

    I'm just answering according to my reality in North Jersey.  It really varies by the skater, discipline (pairs, dance, singles) and location.

  3. i think 2 coaches is good so one can train you and the other can coriacraft your routines. the money is a problem i now i am a competitive skater and my parents spend aobut $500 to $1000 dollars a week. Time is another you have to have ballet off ice power and edge class to be a good skater they run from 30min. to 1 hour and plus you have freestyle and lessons and you should be skating atlest 2 hours a day.  

  4. 3 coaches

    MAIN COACH: supervises all skating and progress helps you with eberything

    CHOREOGRAPHER: takes care of all program work

    HARNESS ANS JUMP COACH: helps get your jumps on the harness and off of it

    per hour about 60-100 depending on coach

    main coach everyday

    choreagrapher 2 a week

    harness nad jump coach 2x a week

    i pay $337.50 a week for coaching

    i sakte 3 hours a day 5 days a week

    i skate 15 hours a week and have

    5 hours of coaching

  5. i have 3

    main coach: $12 for 15 min she helps me with everything

    dance and moves coach: $15 for a 15 min lesson he

    helps me with moving up in my USFSA levels in dance and in moves!

    ballet: $1000 for the whole summer 1 time a week!

  6. like 2 or 3

  7. they usually have one main coach but will some time or another take lessons from every good  coach at their rink, which is usually five or six.

    they train for about two hours a day on average, six days a week not including off ice training.

    they spend tens of thousands of dollars a year on coaches, ice time, competition fees, traveling expenses, costumes, skates, skate sharpenings, practice clothes, off ice training, etc.

    it's a really expensive an time consuming sport. :(

    but also the best sport in the world. :)

    though i'm a little biased, lol.

  8. well i have 3 coaches - one for footwork/off-ice, another for harness/jump work and my main coach who choreographs my programs and basically monitors the progress of all my skating.  i skate about 2 hours a day - 5 days a week.  i don't spend 500 a week though more like 200...  Also I work for my one coach doing babysitting, giving piano lessons to her daughter and dogsitting for her so that helps with some of the expenses since i don't usually pay for her lessons.

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