
How many coats of paint?

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If someone wrote all over the walls how many coats of paint would it take to cover it with out whatever is writing under it bleeding through?




  1. You will probably need at least one base coat first and then one or two of the top coat.

    But before that, try using Mr. Clean's Magic Eraser.  That worked for me for getting out pencil, pen and crayon from the walls.  That works better on walls that are painted with anything other than flat paint, though.

    Good luck!

  2. Make sure you prime the wall really good before you paint it 2 coats of good primer should do it Good Luck

  3. As a house painter the best way is to buy a primer and sealer in oil base. Let it dry for a few hours then paint over it.Latex paint will cover over the oil primer because it's made so you can do that.

  4. You need one coat of a special type of paint called primer. After that, generally you need two coats of regular paint.

    (You can't just put up primer and leave it without covering with one or two coats of regular paint: primer hides stains well, but it also absorbs dirt very well and can't be washed easily.)

    Primer is relatively inexpensive and can be found at any home store, hardware store, or paint store.

  5. If it is texta colour, you will need to paint it with an oil based paint before you can paint it with a plastic paint and 1 coat of each will normally cover.

  6. You can use a spot primer suck as KILZ which comes in a spray can on the writing before painting. If you are using the same color as the original wall color, paint over the primed areas with a roller first and let dry. After wards, apply one coat over the entire wall. If you are changing the color you'll probably need to do two complete coats however.

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