
How many colleges did you apply to?

by  |  earlier

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I plan on applying to about eight, is that too few?




  1. try and narrow it to the ones you actually WANT to go to. I had a list of 8 schools I want to apply to this fall, but I really sat down and thought about my list and now I've narrowed it to 4 and I'm really satisfied with it.

    Here's a strategy I used to narrow my list....

    UC Davis or UC Irvine -----> Davis

    UC Davis or UC Santa Barbara -------> SB

    UC Irvine or UC Santa Barbara --------> SB

    Now this just narrowed 3 schools to 1 (or ranked them SB, Davis, Irvine).

    Repeat it several times with different schools and whichever "win" each round compare with eachother to find your top schools. (another hint is to divide them up by your safety schools, good match, and reach schools, and then do this.

    Best of luck! (hey if you've got the cash and the time to write the essays then go for all 8)

  2. Wow, I don't know. :/

    I only applied to one lol

  3. I don't think so, I plan on applying to one... as early admission.  

  4. no i think thats great

    i'm applying to about 5 or 6

  5. It depends.

    I only applied to two schools, but I submitted both of them early in the admissions process and I knew I would be accepted to both. Once I got in where I wanted, it was silly for me to apply anywhere else.

    Just make sure if you have any "reach schools" that you also apply to schools you know you will get into ("safety schools") and schools that are right on par for you.

    Good luck! :]

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